Supporting Children with Additional Needs
Saint Sebastian's Primary School is an inclusive school where the needs of all pupils are met, whatever their background, abilities or disabilities.
Our SEND Co-Ordinator is Mrs. Cook. She can be contacted by calling the school on 01344 772427 or via the school office at
All children are supported to learn well and achieve good outcomes. We comply fully with the SEN and Disability Act 2001 (and any subsequent revisions). We participate in Wokingham’s local Fair Access Protocol arrangements and give priority in admissions to children with a statement of Special Education Needs or an Education Healthcare Plan that names our school on their application form. The school works closely with Wokingham Borough Council and other agencies for any pupils at the school with SEND.
Saint Sebastian's Primary School believes that the best way to meet the needs of the majority of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) is to expose them to high quality, differentiated classroom teaching together with their peers.
Specific attention will be given to the progress of SEND pupils across core subject areas, as well as across year groups, rather than individuals. The school will also develop individual learning plans for children, where appropriate, to ensure they are making progress to the best of their ability.
Further information from the UK Government can be found here
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