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Governor profiles

The parent governor election finished on 7th May with there being no nominations.

Name: Jane Addison
Role: Chair Of Governors, RE and English subject governor and Pupil Premium governor
Type: Foundation Governor
Committee: Chair of Curriculum & Assessment, Chair of Admissions
Term of Office: 10th January 2021 - 9th January 2025

Name: Martin Gater
Type: Head
Committee: Member of Staff & Pupil Care, member of Finance and member of Admissions
Term of Office: Ex-officio

Name: Heather Barnes
Role: Deputy Head
Type: Staff Governor
Committee: Member of Curriculum & Assessment
Term of Office: 12th May 2022 - 11th May 2026

Name: Keisha Adams
Type: Parent Governor

Role: Safeguarding governor
Committee: Finance and Premises
Term of Office: 8th February 2024 - 7th February 2028

Name: Dawn Rossell (previously Dawn Thompson)
Subject Governor: Music
Type: Foundation Governor
Committee: Chair of Finance and Premises
Term of Office: 21st April 2021 - 20th April 2025

Name: Irela Malik (married to Hank)
Role: Early Years Foundation Stage Governor, Maths governor
Type: Foundation Governor
Committee: Member of Staff & Pupil Care, member of Curriculum & Assessment
Term of Office: 22nd February 2021 - 21st February 2025

Name: Hank Malik (married to Irela)
Role: Geography subject governor
Type: Foundation Governor
Committee: Member of Finance and Premises
Term of Office: 29th November 2023 - 28th November 2027

Name: Penny Bagshaw
Type: Foundation Governor
Term of Office: 22nd May 2024 - 21st May 2028

Name: Vacancy
Type: Foundation Governor
Term of Office

Name: Vacancy
Type: Parent Governor
Term of Office:

Current role vacancies: Vice Chair Of Governors, Pupil Premium and SEND Governor

Governors who have left in past 12 months:

Victoria Wilkins March 2024

Mary Unwin February 2024